Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I figured out my biggest fear.

So I have put a lot of thought into why I have always been overweight. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I was so afraid would happen if I lost weight. The other day it finally hit me what my biggest fear has always been when it comes to losing weight. I am afraid of being weak. I have always been such a strong person. Strong physically and emotionally. I have been through some really rough times and had to be tough to make it. I have never wanted to be a thin (which to me meant weak) little girl. I still don't want to be weak but I have come to see that being thin and healthy does not mean that I will be weak. With strength training I will be stronger than I have ever been while being healthier at the same time. I have no idea why my brain thought that me being so grossly overweight was making me strong and keeping me safe. I guess maybe my weight was like extra padding against the harsh world. Thanks to Lyn ( I have figured out my 1# fear and I am facing it head on. Thank you again to Lyn. I will beat this and I will only be stronger.

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