Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weigh in 1/25-1/31 *They say its your birthday*

Weight last week: 163.5
Weight this week: 163

Lost this week: -.5 lbs

Total lost so far: 141.5 lbs

Left to lose: 14 lbs (to orig goal) 28.5 lbs (to new goal)

Did really good this week until Sat. I ate everything that I could on Sat. I have got to figure out a better way to handle stress.

Today is my birthday. I am the big 3-0. Old as dirt. 73 lbs smaller than the day that I turned 29. Yeehaw.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I am NOT OBESE anymore!!!

I think it just sunk in this morning that I am not obese anymore. I am so happy about all that I have accomplished! Proud doesn't even come close to describing it. It is all a bit like a dream to me. I never thought that I could pull this off, yet here I am down 141 lbs and within 29 lbs of my goal. I know that weight loss isn't the magic cure all, but it has given me so much hope that I know I can make all of my dreams come true. Watch out world, here I come!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Weigh-in 1/20/09

Weight last week: 164
Weight this week: 163.5

Lost this week: -.5 lbs

Total lost so far: 141 lbs

Left to lose: 14.5 lbs (to orig goal) 29 lbs (to new goal)

Bad week eating wise. We had Mikey and Ella's birthday party. I ate a ton of pizza and cake. I am writing down all of my food as of today. I will get back on track and kick my own a**. On a good note---I am NO longer Obese! As of this weigh in I am just Overweight. I am so excited about that. I know that I can reach all my goals. I will be at my goal weight by the end of this year!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Weight Tracker

Just a little tracker that I ran across online.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Great week finally!

Weight last week: 169.5
Weight this week: 165.5

Lost this week: -4 lbs

Total lost so far: 139 lbs

Left to lose: 16.5 lbs (to orig goal) 31 lbs (to new goal)

Great on track week. I exercised like I should and ate really well. I have decided to change my goal weight. Since I started losing weight my goal has been 149 lbs. I have decided to try to get to 134.5 lbs. That will put me at a healthy weight according to my BMI. It will also bring my weight lost to an even 170 lbs. I think I can reach that goal this year. Wish me luck.

Friday, January 02, 2009


To make resolutions or not? That is the question. Some people say it sets them up for failure. I don't see it that way for myself. I am a resolution kind of girl. I like to make resolutions and then break them down into the steps I have to take to get where I want to be. It gives me something to strive for. It gives me a planned way to get there. Kinda like a road map I guess. Anyway, whether you make resolutions or just set goals if you are trying to get healthy we are all on the same journey. I have faith that each of us can reach our goals this year. What are your resolutions/goals? Here are a few of mine:

1. Exercise every day of 2009 for at least 15 mins the 1st three months, 30 mins the next three months, 45 mins the next three months, and 1 hour the last 3 months of the year.

2. Find a church to become active in.

3. Get my family on a budget.

4. Make at least a B+ in every class that I take this year.

5. Hit my goal weight!

6. Get my garage organized.

7. Get all of my scrapbooks caught up to the present. (They are stuck in 2004)

Good luck! We can do this.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

One year later in picture

Beginning of 2008 (245.5):-Beginning of 2009 (167.5):
Photobucket Photobucket

On my way to 134.5 lbs this year.

I decided to change my goal weight to 134.5 lbs. My original goal of 149 lbs was still in an overweight BMI for me. I want to have a healthy BMI. I picked 134.5 lbs because it is right in the middle of my healthy BMI span and also because I like the 345. Yeah, I am a simple girl that is amused by simple things. I have to lose 33 lbs to get there. I know I can do that by the end of 2009. I am going to set some sort of goals for myself here. If I meet the goals that is GREAT. If I don't meet the goals then I will keep plugging along until I get there. I have lost 137 lbs so far. I know that I can lose 33 more.

2009 Weight Goals
165 by Jan 28th (my 30th birthday)
163 by Feb 14th (Valentines)
161 by Mar 9th (Day I survived)
156 by Apr 21st (Our 9th anniversary)
153 by May 19th (Just a day in May)
150 by Jun 8th (My dad's 49th birthday)
145 by Jul 18th (My mom's 51st birthday)
142 by Aug 5th (Jon's 32nd birthday)
140 by Sept 4th (My favorite SIL's 29th birthday)
138 by Oct 31st (Halloween)
136 by Nov 18th (16th year Jon and I have been together)
134 by Dec 25th (Christmas)

This will happen this year. I will reach my goal weight. I am worth it.

Merry New Year and Happy late Christmas

Our Christmas was really a joy this year. We were back in our house and the kids got way to much stuff. :) Yeah, they are spoiled rotten. Today is the first day of 2009 and all I want to do is sleep. I feel like I am gonna hurl. I ate to much for lunch. I have drank to much coffee and I am nervous as heck about school starting on Jan 10th. Two months ago when I registered for school it seemed so far away and not real. Now that I have barely over a week before school starts, I am worried. I know that I am smart enough to do it, I am just worried about having the time to do it all.

I want a laptop for school. I think it would be very handy to have one. I think I have settled on an Acer Aspire One N270. I have to wait for my student aid check to come in before I can afford to buy one. I had to pay for my classes and books out of pocket because my student aid hasn't come in yet. That makes me poor broke for a while.

I weighed this morning and the scale showed me 167.2 lbs. I am starting 2009 in the 160's! I lost 78.3 lbs in 2008! I have eaten so bad today though. I hope today isn't setting the pace for the rest of the year...

I am worried about stress eating when school starts. I am going to have to figure out how to handle the extra stress without gaining weight in the process. I am also going to have to get on a schedule. It is going to be very hard for me to homeschool Mikey and go to school full time myself. I know that if it can be done, I can do it. Just have to do it.

A very merry unbirthday to you, to you. And to me in 2009 as well! (In case you think I lost my mind with the sentence before last it was a little bit of a song from "Alice in Wonderland". Not to say that I haven't lost my mind...carry on.