Friday, January 02, 2009


To make resolutions or not? That is the question. Some people say it sets them up for failure. I don't see it that way for myself. I am a resolution kind of girl. I like to make resolutions and then break them down into the steps I have to take to get where I want to be. It gives me something to strive for. It gives me a planned way to get there. Kinda like a road map I guess. Anyway, whether you make resolutions or just set goals if you are trying to get healthy we are all on the same journey. I have faith that each of us can reach our goals this year. What are your resolutions/goals? Here are a few of mine:

1. Exercise every day of 2009 for at least 15 mins the 1st three months, 30 mins the next three months, 45 mins the next three months, and 1 hour the last 3 months of the year.

2. Find a church to become active in.

3. Get my family on a budget.

4. Make at least a B+ in every class that I take this year.

5. Hit my goal weight!

6. Get my garage organized.

7. Get all of my scrapbooks caught up to the present. (They are stuck in 2004)

Good luck! We can do this.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

No words, other than I love you!