Tuesday, September 08, 2009

One week of GAG in the books. -5.4!

One week of GAG is behind us. Seems like it is going to fast, really. It means that we only have 15 weeks left. I sure hope that a new challenge starts as soon as this one ends. I haven't been this motivated in months. I love it. So, at weigh in this morning I was nicely rewarded. I weighed in at 182.2 lbs this morning. I lost 5.4 lbs this week! Look out 170's, here I come. I can't wait to see the 160's again too. I hope that everyone had as great a week as I did. :)


Fat Chick said...

Congrats on your AWESOME week, mine wasn't as great but next week will be. :)

Lisa Jones aka "Jones" said...

congrats on the loss!!

Arcticmal said...


Laurie said...

Wow!! Manda, that's aweseome!! Glad that you're so motivated! Keep up the momentum!

Melisa said...

Wow, you go girl...and after all that you have already lost! Isn't it great when motivation kicks back in?! Here's to another great week in Wk2