Saturday, October 03, 2009

My house is a wreck

Seriously? My house is such a mess. It makes me cring. I would spout the same lie that I always do when it comes to why my house is so gross but it obviously isn't the truth. The usual "reason" is that I just don't have time. The truth is that I waste a bunch of time. I have time to type this. I could be doing laundry or the dishes or Lord help I could have cleaned a toilet by now. I should be study but...I got tired of looking at it. It is the same excuse with eating right and exercising. There isn't enough time. Ugh. I want to talk about this more but the computer I am using is demon possessed and I don't have enough time. :)


One Pretty Little Box said...

I am so sorry your struggling with balance right now. It is definately hard.

I have heard many who use the flylady method. I used it for a while, but it was basically what I already did, so .. yay me! LOL

Lisa Jones aka "Jones" said...

i have also used the fly lady methood and my mother does to it is a good idea to check it out!

goodluck in all thatyou have going on!