Monday, January 16, 2017

Day 1n

I *think* today was day one of the restart. Day 1 of changing my relationship with food again. It's been a million years since I last updated. We have 5 kids now. The youngest, Cara, is 14 weeks old. I haven't stepped on a scale in weeks. I have no idea what I weigh right now. I think it's around 270? I'll check sometime soon. I did great with not using food as comfort all day today. I need to repeat that every day! Around 7:30pm I started wanting to snack and drank water instead. I have to do this for me. My body aches and I am so tired. 40 is on the horizon. My dad had triple bypass in November and he is only 56. That is NOT what I want to be doing at 56. Let's do this instead!

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