Friday, February 01, 2008

NYC, My Birthday, Moving, Weighing In

A ton has been going on this week. We had our 3 day whirlwind vacation in NYC over the weekend. Lots of fun and lots of great food! On Monday we got into a huge fight (over something that I still don't understand completely) with the people we were living with and it basically ended with us being kicked out of their house. I am 100% ok with that because I didn't want to live there to begin with. It kinda sucks for Jon though because the people we were living with was his sister and BIL. I hate that his relationship with his family will be strained because of this. Oh and Monday was my birthday. Great day I tell ya. We are moving back home and I couldn't be happier about that. I have missed my family like crazy and I have missed our house. It will be good. I weighed this morning expecting a big gain because of our trip to NYC and the stress of the week. I LOST 1 lb. I am so excited about that. I know that I can keep on keeping on. Yay. I wonder how Jon did? He has to work a 2 week notice so he is staying with his mom for 2 weeks. I miss him so much. He is an amazing man and I am lucky to have him in my life. I haven't seen him since Tues night. I will get to see him tonight and I can't wait! I love that man.

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