Tuesday, May 13, 2008

36 weeks - 99.5 lbs

So close to 100 lbs lost! I know I can hit it next week. I can't believe that we have lost so much so fast. This past week was really good for me. I didn't have any trouble staying on plan at all. It is almost scary how easy it was. I hope that this continues but I know it wont always be so easy. Some weeks are just harder than others. Some weeks I feel like I am stumbling all week long. I know it is all in my head. I just have to keep my focus and keep my head straight.

I have noticed a huge difference in my TOM. It used to last 10 or 11 days and be super heavy flow the entire time. Now it lasts for 5 or 6 days and is light to med flow. I am so glad that it has changed! I used to hate it and now it isn't to bad. I will never like it but now it doesn't drive me crazy.

I think Jon had a rough week. He kept going back for more food even though he said that he wasn't hungry. In the end he didn't gain any weight this week but he didn't lose any either. I hope that he has a better week ahead of him. I can't do this without him. He has to get back on track. I know he can. He is strong. Together we are strong.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

You are strong! I am so proud of both of you!