Sunday, November 25, 2007

What in the crap can you eat on Thanksgiving???

I have no idea what you can eat at Thanksgiving that wont make you gain a zillion pounds! I took a Weight Watchers 7-layer salad to go with the meal and fruit for dessert. I know that the world isn't going to change what they cook and eat just because I am trying to lose weight but it sure would be nice. There were all kinds of chocolate desserts and fatty foods. I so wanted to eat it all. But I want to be thin and healthy even more than I wanted to eat bad. I had 1 tablespoon of cherry cheesecake and that was it. The only other dessert that I had was the fruit. I am proud of myself about the dessert but not so proud about the meal itself. I didn't go back for seconds and I didn't pile my plate heeping full but I did eat a lot of stuff that I knew wasn't good for me. I am praying that I don't gain any weight this week. I don't expect a loss but if I gain I think I might cry. Keeping my fingers crossed til Tuesday morning!

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