Monday, March 31, 2008

Loose Size 18 jeans!

Isn't that insane? When I started this weight loss journey I wore a TIGHT size 28 jeans. I bought me a new pair of jeans this week. I bought a size 18 thinking that I could squeeze into them. I wore them today and they are TO BIG for me. I don't even have to unzip or unbutton them to pull them up or down. I also got a pair of Capris that are size 16. I figured I would be able to wear them this summer. I put them on last night and while they are a little tight they are only a LITTLE tight. I can wear them! I haven't been in a size 16 pants since my freshman year in high school. I was 15 yrs old they last time I could wear a 16. Blows my mind. I have gone down almost 6 pants sizes!!!

I have been struggling all week long. The scale has shown a small gain every morning since Wed morning. I have my official weigh in tomorrow and am hoping for at least a small loss. So far I haven't had a gain and I know it will happen sooner or later I am just hoping for the late. Keep your fingers crossed that the scale is nice to me in the morning.

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