Thursday, March 05, 2009


Today will be my second day back on track. I did pretty well yesterday and stuck to my plan. It feels good to be back on plan and have control over my eating again. Yay!

6am: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal w/ 1 t peanut butter & 1/2 C coffee- 200 calories

I plan to have a banana around 10am. I will have a salad with a few ounces of chicken off the EGG (the BEST grill/smoker in the world) for lunch. I am not sure what dinner will be yet. I have school tonight so unless I find something to throw in the crockpot dinner will be up to Jon. Gotta think about it. Today WILL be a great, OP day!

1 comment:

Lori said...

You had commented on my blog about a running program. I actually used Couch to 5K program, although it took me more than 9 weeks to be able to run all 3 miles. I just did it by time, so that after 9 weeks I could run for 30 minutes straight - then I just worked on speed after that.