Tuesday, July 22, 2008

46 weeks into this journey

Looking back it doesn't seem like it has been that long. Although sometimes it feels like it has been a lifetime. This week I was down another 2 lbs bringing my weight to 190.5 lbs. I can't believe that I am so close to the 180's. I have lost 114 lbs so far. Wow. I know I can do this. I control my weight. Food no longer controls my weight. I have 41.5 lbs left to lose to reach my goal weight. To bad my goal weight is subject to change. :) I played the Wii Fit 4 times last week for at least 30 mins each time. I walked several days for about a hour each time. I don't lose my breath as easy as I did before. I am proud and I feel good about me. For a long time I didn't feel good about myself. Isn't it silly how we let things like our weight control us and control how we feel about ourselves? No more food or weight controlling me. I have control.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I love you mama! I love reading your blog! I am so super duper proud of you.