Monday, September 07, 2009

GAG: The "oh crap,it is a cook-out" game plan.

There are lots of occasions to get together with family and friends and eat bad. Cooking out is one of those times that unless you go into it with a plan, you are going to come out of it a few pounds heavier. Thanks to GAG, I had a game plan this year! I decided that I could go light on breakfast and dinner today so that I could indulge during the lunch cook-out. I have seen skinny people eat. My SIL is a prime example. If she wants a candy bar, she eats it and then eats less at one of her meals that day. No, I am not advocating eating candy bars instead of real food, but I am saying that I finally understand how it all works. If I want to indulge at times then I am going to have to cut back at other times. Ok, on with the plan.

1) Eat light for breakfast.

2) Have the cook-out at my house, so I am responsible for most of the food and know exactly how it is cooked. Cook a variety of meat so everyone is happy. I cooked steak, chicken, and hot dogs. I had 2 oz of steak and 4 oz of chicken. I didn't over do it with the steak but I didn't feel deprived while everyone else was eating it either.

3) Make lots of veggies. I made corn on the cob, salad, and green beans. I loaded up on those things so that I got full faster and didn't eat crap.

4) Serve fruit for dessert. I had watermelon. Sweet and delicious.

5) Eat a light dinner to make up for all the food I had at lunch time. Tonight I had a Fat Free wiener and Lite Wheat hot dog bun with green beans that were left over from lunch and 10 Sun chips.

All in all my game plan worked out really well. I am hoping that the scale will reward me for my efforts in the morning. This week has been amazing thanks to GAG!

1 comment:

Fat Chick (Lanel) said...

Congrats on your successful BBQ! :)